1. Information identifying the qualification
1.1. Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language)
Arquitectura / Arquitecto
1.2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification
Architectural projects and graphic expression
History and theory of architecture
Urbanism, territorial management and planning
Construction and architectural technologies
Structure and foundation calculations
Urban facilities and buildings
Conservation and restoration of architectural heritage
Organisation of works and companies, regulations, costs and surveying
1.3. Name and status of awarding institution (in original language)
Universidad de Sevilla (Public University)
1.4. Name and status of institution administering studies (in original language)
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (University center)
1.5. Language of instruction / examination
- 2. Information on the level of the qualification
2.1. Level of qualification
Long cycle degree leading to an academic degree of Arquitecto
2.2. Official length of programme
5 years. The total time of taught classes and practical training is 4500 hours
2.3. Access requirement(s)
University Degree or Equivalent; University Preparation Course (COU) According Syllabuses Prior to the Academic Course 1974/75; Pre-University Course and Capability Tests; Having Passed Secondary Studies According to Syllabuses Prior to 1953; Specialised Higher Professional Training Programme; University Entrance Examination for Students over 25 Years of Age; University Entrance Examination (PAU)
3. Information on the contents
3.1. Mode of study
Full time attendance
3.2. Programme requirements
The program is distributed as follows:
242,7 credits of core subjects (2427 hours) and 112,3 credits of compulsory subjects (1123 hours): Computer Aided Architectural Design, Descriptive Geometry, Mathematics, Construction, History of Architecture, Physics, Architectural Projects, Architectural Graphic Analysis, Structures, Theory of Architecture, Urban Theory, Architectural Composition, Environmental Conditioning, Town Planning, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Installations, Urban Design, Construction Management and Organization, Urban Legality Management and Final Degree Project.
50 credits of optional subjects (500 hours): Numerical Methods in Architecture, Acoustics and Energy Interchange in Buildings, Complements of Structures, Special Structures, New Technologies, Industrialization of Building Construction, Expert Reports and Evaluations, Special Foundations, Structures Design, Fire Protection in Buildings, Transports and Communications.
45 credits of free election (450 hours): Discrete Matehamtics applied to the Architectural Localization, Architecture and Environment, Pathology and Restoration of Brick Work, Supervision of Projects and Constructions, Quality Control, History and Critics of Architecture in Andalusia and Solar Energy Installations in Architecture.
4. Information on the function of the qualification
4.1. Access to further study
A minimum four-year graduate degree programme (equivalent to a Licenciado, Ingeniero or Arquitecto Spanish degree) will entitle the student to postgraduate study, including Ph. D. Study.
4.2. Professional status (if applicable)
Professional activities in this field are regulated by law and are supervised by the Official Colleges of Architects.
This qualification enables the holder to carry out multiple activities related to projects and direction of architectural works and urbanism; projecting and directing public or private building works of new construction, extension or reformation for any use, rehabilitation of listed buildings of historic or artistic interest; drawing up urban projects, urban planning, territorial planning, land use, landscape and environment management, directing works deriving from such projects, and organization, management and surveying of real estate.
The folder may carry out activities for public administration and private companies, as well as in teaching.
5.1. Additional information
This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international “transparency” and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.).